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Making and developing followers of Christ.

Our mission is to make and develop followers of Jesus Christ. We believe the love of God through Jesus is transformational. It’s the driving force behind everything we do. We believe God’s love will change your life, your family, our community and world.

Your life

Wherever you are in life, you matter and you have a purpose. We want to help you become the person God has created you to be. As you grow as a follower of Jesus, you’ll take steps in your journey. We want to help you take your next steps at Sanctuary.

And you don’t have to do it alone. With a strong community of friends, you can laugh, grow, and serve with people who genuinely care about you. Find a small group, or LifeGroup, to join you on your journey.

Got kids? We partner with parents to help raise the next generation to become followers of Christ. Your children and teens have opportunities throughout the week to grow relationships with each other and with God.

Our community

We love North Minneapolis. It’s the geographic center of our church community. It’s a community that has often been neglected, but we believe God wants to use his resources to bring life-giving outcomes to this community. Join us in our love for the north side.

Going deeper with Vision, Purpose and Mission

Vision:  An urban, multi-ethnic, multiplying movement, reconciling people to God and one another.

Purpose: To grow as a multiethnic, multigenerational community of Christ-followers, demonstrating God’s love from North Minneapolis, throughout the city, to the whole world

Mission: To make and develop followers of Jesus Christ who:

  • Continually study and practice God’s word (we are biblical)
  • Worship God with our whole lives (we are devotional)
  • Cultivate loving relationships across race, economic status, gender or any potential barrier (we are connectional)
  • Help to spread the Good News of Jesus in word and also deeds of compassion, mercy, and justice (we are missional)


  • Urban means that we are culturally connected to city life in all of its complexity, diversity, and energy. Yet those who do not live in the city are welcome to be part of our vibrant community
  • Multiplying means that we want to help fulfill the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20) by making disciples of all different kinds of people.
  • Reconciling means that we are committed to breaking down barriers that were built up due to race, class, culture, gender and other factors, and to building meaningful relationships through our differences
  • Because of the unique challenges and potential in North Minneapolis, we base our ministry and outreach efforts here, giving this community priority when we consider our use of resources

The terms “biblical,” “devotional,” connectional,” and  “missional” are shared by the entire family of Evangelical Covenant Churches

The Sanctuary 5

When you call Sanctuary your church home, we encourage you to thoughtfully engage in these 5 ways.


Are you working toward healthy relationships with other believers at Sanctuary, especially across lines of race, culture, class and gender?


Are you worshipping God Passionately and building rhythms of Spiritual Practice?


Are you using your gifts talents and skills to meet the needs of others, while sharing the Gospel in word and deed?


Are you giving regularly toward the mission and ministries of this church?


Are you inviting others to join what God is doing in this church and in the world?

Join us for a

Worship Experience

[email protected]    |     (612) 692-6575

Worship Center

2018 Aldrich Ave. N
Minneapolis, MN 55411 map


710 West Broadway Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55411 map


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